First Avenue Playhouse News...

Auditions -


Audition Notice



Audition Notice





"Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses"

Directed by  Donna Jeanne

 on Monday December 2 & Wed December 4

7:00 - 9:00pm


Needed are : 4 Women:  all ages 20 - 60
                      3 Men:      all  ages 20 - 60

Characters As follows:

Candy (Age 25 plus)  A Local Gal who is working to put herself through college. She is vivacious and personable

Wilberforce "Bubba Brown" (Age 50 plus) Bubba is the younger brother of Archibald Brown,recently deceased owner

Audrina Brown (Age 30 plus) Late Archibald daughter and Bubba's neice,who recently inherited the property

Beatrice Rutherford-Smythe (Age 50 plus) She has a superior attitude, which tends to annoy people

Traci Rutherford-Smythe (Age 25 plus) Beatrice's daughter who has picked the hotel for her destination wedding

Douglas Dupont (Age 30 plus)  Checks into the hotel andarouses Bubba by asking questions of the locals in town.

Peter Mudd (Age 30 plus)  Traci's fiance who is looking forward to spending time with his lovely bride to be


Production will be in February 2025

for further details

Season Ticket Sales -


Purchase of 10 tickets for $185 is the best price for patrons wanting to see great theaatre at the best possible prices.  

10 pack ticket prices  $220



 First Avenue Playhouse is looking for directors to submit plays for consideration.  Directors interested in First Avenue Playhouse should contact the theatre.

Joe Bagnole, Exec. Dir.

First Avenue Playhouse

(732) 291-7552


or email

  You should be prepared to submit your scripts for consideration along with a sketch of the set to be submitted along with how they plan on staging the production keeping in mind the requirements and limitations of our stage.  


If you have never directed at the Playhouse please submit your resume.  

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